01/2015 - 08/2015

Ericsson (Turkey)

Quality Manager

• Training Managment
• Initiation of SDLC and process improvement
• Release Change Management
• QC and JIRA integration
• Know-How transfer onto the Confluence
• Daily and monthly report
• KPI preparation for Projects and Demands

07/2014 - 12/2014


Product Manager

• Hardware production for Fatih Project

03/2013 - 05/2014


Test Team Leader

• Plan and maintenance of (Unit test, Pre-Integration test, Integration test, User Acceptance Test)
• Coordination of testteam
• Monitoring and prioritisation of defects in cooperation with development team (QC, JIRA)
• Documentation of the tests execution
• Daily and monthly reports

02/2002 - 10/2012

T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH

Solution test manager

• Resource planning
• Planning of end-2-end test of the whole chain. Involvement of all relevant systems: CC, Netware (HLR, IN, Provisioning ), Mediation, Rating, Billing, Bill-Presentation
• Maintenance of test plan due the specification (SD/DSD)
• Documentation and reporting of the tests execution
• Conflict management, defect maintenance (DDTS, QC)
• Report to Business Partners

Quality assurance Billing

• Test preparation (CC and Rating)
• Creation and maintenance of testplan due the specification
• Preparation and automation of the tests due shell scripts, iTAP and HP QTP
• Execution and documentation of the Billingtest
• Defect maintenance (DDTS, QC)
• Assistance of business departments


ETH ( European Telecommunication Holding)

• Integration and approval of TECON extended Rating Engine (TxRE) and TECON extended Billing Engine (TxBI)


TECON Systems AG

• Performance test of extended Mediation Device (TxMD)
• Function test of TxMD
• Test specification of TECON extended Rating Engine (TxRE)

01/2000 – 12/2000

Fraunhofer Institut – IZM, Berlin

Research and development
• Assembling and developing of diverse digital measuring stations and labs
• Manuel and dv-supported analysis of measurement result
• Conception and design of control system
• Implementation of control system due LabView and function and acceptance test
• Planning of project and resource as well as solicit a quotation and purchase of equipment

01/1996 – 12/1999

Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Berlin

• Simulation of radiation contamination of neutrons diffractometer
• Programming in Pascal to convert the data from technical interface to control the instruments and handle the information
• Generation the graphic and chart for different publication
• Construction of workstation, in addition:
• Installation and bonding in NT-Netware
• On-the-job training for the staffer utilize special software packets

09/1996 – 12/1999

Melzer & Tofangsazi, Berlin

Electrician in SPS-controlling area
• Development of manufacturing equipment
• Development and implementation of SPS-controlling module and other software module
• Electrical installation of special purpose machine

06/1992 – 12/1996

Technical university of Berlin

Research in different project from DFG (German research foundation) and special research. For this purpose:
• Self-contained assembling of new measurement completely with necessary analyse electronic und controlling software in C/C++
• Data load as well as analysis of data due FADAM